Terms of Use

Terms and Conditions - Regular Use



Booking enquiries are made in person through the Centre Manager's office, by calling 01837 810239 or by emailing  centre@hatherleigh.org 

Once the availability of the Hall is confirmed, the centre Manager will send a booking form to the Hirer. It must be completed and returned, along with a signed copy of this document.

  • Arrangements will then be made for the collection of the key if required.
  • After each session, the relevant area of the Centre may be inspected by representatives of the Community Centre. Should any damage be found or should any additional cleaning be required (see below) the costs of this will be charged to the hirer.
  • The conditions below apply to regular bookings. Failure to comply may result in charges being applied. Additionally, at the Trustees' discretion, the Hirer may not be allowed to hire the hall again.


  • The Hall is as safe as can reasonably be expected. It is the responsibility of the Hirer to ensure that it is used safely.
  • If the tiered seating is being used the main house lights need to be switched on and audiences need to be reminded to take care on the stairs or ask for assistance.
  • The scale of charges will be reviewed annually and may be revised at any other time at the Trustees' discretion.
  • Unless otherwise arranged, keys must be returned after hire to the Centre Manager's Office.
  • The Trustees' decision as to the application of these Terms and Conditions shall be final and conclusive.
  • The Trustees reserve the right to cancel the hiring in the event of the Hall being required for an emergency, Governmental or any such other business.
  • The Trustees will endeavour to ensure that regular bookings are honoured. However, on occasions other bookings which include the relevant regular booking time (such as performances over consecutive nights, wedding bookings, conferences, etc) will take precedence. In this instance we will provide as much advance warning as possible, and will offer any suitable alternative times/dates. There will be no charge for the dates/times which are unavailable and therefore not taken, but no additional compensation will be offered.
  • Please note Hatherleigh Community Centre no longer holds a licence that provides copyright coverage for the public performance of copyrighted motion pictures, DVDs and other programmes within our facility.  It is understood that you will assume full responsibility, liability and consequences should you continue the usage of copyrighted motion pictures, DVDs and other programmes within Hatherleigh Community Centre.


  • The Trustees have their own premises license for the sale of alcoholic drinks. Hirers wishing to offer alcoholic drinks to their guests are required to use The Centre Bar for this purpose and complete a bar booking form.
  • Should private parties or wedding parties wish to bring their own wine or champagne, a corkage charge of £2.50 per bottle will be applied. For clarity, this charge only covers opening of bottles and provision of glasses, it does not cover serving of drinks nor cleaning of glasses.
  • No other alcohol or soft drinks are to be brought onto the premises or consumed within the Centre or its grounds.
  • Bags are subject to be searched.


It is a requirement that all regular users of Hatherleigh Community Centre sign and return this declaration. If this is not supplied Hatherieigh Community Centre Trustees reserve the right to cancel the booking.


In the below sections:

  • 'We', "our' or "us' refers to the Hirer(s).
  • "Guests' refer to all people attending the Centre for the Hirer(s) booking.
  • 'The Trustees” refers to Hatherleigh Community Centre Trustees, or Community Centre staff and volunteers acting on behalf of the Trustees

The Hirer understands and will abide by all of the terms and conditions specified within this document.

Whilst Using the Centre:

  • The Hirer will not sub-let or transfer the booking to another party.
  • The premises shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which it has been booked.
  • The Hirer accepts responsibility for good order and behaviour of our guests.
  • The Hirer will ensure that the number of people in the Main Hall does not exceed the stated capacity of the Centre at any one time (details available from the Centre Manager).
  • The Hirer will ensure that all exits must remain clear at all times whilst the Centre is in use to comply with Fire Regulations.
  • If any hazards are found when using the Centre or the Centre is unsatisfactory in any way the Hirer will report them to the Trustees (or the Centre Manager) as soon as possible.
  • Any damages or breakages will be reported to the Trustees (or the Centre Manager) as soon as possible after the incident and we understand that the cost of making good such damage or breakages will be implemented.
  • In line with Government legislation the Hirer will ensure that there is no smoking within the building. The external smoking area is to the front of the building, where cigarette bins are provided for disposal of cigarette ends. No smoking is permitted elsewhere on the grounds.
  • The Hirer will adhere to the instructions for the use of the cookers and other kitchen equipment.
  • The Hirer will ensure that any spillages of liquid on the main hall floor should be wiped up immediately using warn water ONLY and our guests are cautioned about the slipping hazard until it is dry.
  • The Hirer will ensure that children are not allowed to run loose outside the Hall at any time, and that they are only permitted in the kitchen area if they are under supervision at all times.
  • The Hirer will ensure that skateboards or roller skates are not used in the building.
  • If the tiered seating is being used the main house lights need to be switched on and audiences need to be reminded to take care on the stairs or ask for assistance.
  • The Hirer will note that Hatherleigh Community Centre no longer holds a licence that provides copyright coverage for the public performance of copyrighted motion pictures, DVDs and other programmes within our facility.  It is understood that you will assume full responsibility, liability and consequences should you continue the usage of copyrighted motion pictures, DVDs and other programmes within Hatherleigh Community Centre.

The Hirer understands and will abide by the following regulations in relation to music: 

  • The Hirer acknowledges that it is an offence to cause or permit to be caused any noise amounting to a nuisance and agrees that during any function when amplified music is played, steps are taken to ensure that the volume is maintained at a level which will not cause a nuisance to the inhabitants of the neighbourhood or other users of the building.
  • Rehearsals which involve the playing of amplified music shall not start before 9.30am.
  • 11.30pm SUNDAY—THURSDAY & 12 midnight FRIDAY, SATURDAY
  • The Hirer shall ensure that all doors and windows remain closed after 11pm when live or recorded music is being played in the Hall
  • If the Centre's audio and lighting system is to be used, the Hirer will notify the Centre of this in advance, and The Trustees will issue a separate key. We understand that the system is to be used only in accordance with the guidance notes issued with the special key. It is not to be used for live music amplification, e.g. big bands and rock groups etc.
  • The Hirer will not make any alterations to the system unless it is with the specific permission and under the supervision of a trained individual nominated for this purpose by the Trustees. The Hirer understands that any alterations made to the sound system without permission will result in a charge being applied by the Trustees.

At the end of each booking:

  • The Hirer will allow sufficient time at the end of each booking to tidy and clean the Centre.
  • If the Hirer does not vacate the building within the paid booking period, having completed the cleaning and tidying, we understand that a charge may be made for this additional time at the usual hourly rate, or if it is after midnight, at time and a half.

Before leaving the Hirer will check that all lights, appliances, equipment and water taps have been turned off and the Centre has been left in a clean and tidy condition, noting the following cleaning requirements:

  • All equipment which has been brought in must be removed.
  • Cleaning materials, brooms and vacuum cleaner can be found in the storage area to the rear of the main hall.
  • Crockery and cutlery, if used, must be washed and put away.
  • The cookers and any other kitchen equipment that is used must be left clean.
  • All chairs and tables should be brushed/wiped before storing in their original places
  • All rubbish must be placed in the appropriate recycling or refuse bins.

The Trustees accept no responsibility for personal belongings including coats and clothing left in any part of the building.

Unless alternative arrangements have been made with the Trustees in advance, the Hirer will ensure that the building is securely locked at all points of access before leaving the Centre.

The Hirer will personally ensure that when persons leave the Centre during or after the booking they do so in a quiet and reasonable manner.

Terms and Conditions - Occasional Use





Booking enquiries are made in person through the Centre Manager's office, by calling 01837 810239 or by emailing  centre@hatherleigh.org 

  • Once the availability of the Hall is confirmed, the Centre Manager will send a booking form to the Hirer. It must be completed and returned, along with a signed copy of this document.
  • The balance will be due no later than 7 days prior to the booking.
  • Arrangements will then be made for the collection of the key if required.
  • Time booked after midnight will be charged at double time.
  • All breakages must be paid for.
  • Failure to comply with these conditions may result in the Hirer not being allowed to hire the hall again.


  • The Hall is as safe as can reasonably be expected. It is the responsibility of the Hirer to ensure that it is used safely.
  • If the tiered seating is being used the main house lights need to be switched on and audiences need to be reminded to take care on the stairs or ask for assistance.
  • The scale of charges will be reviewed annually and may be revised at any other tlme at the Trustees' discretion.
  • Unless otherwise arranged, keys must be returned after hire to the Centre Manager's Office.
  • The Trustees' decision as to the application of these Terms and Conditions shall be final and conclusive.
  • The Trustees reserve the right to cancel the hiring in the event of the Hall being required for an emergency, Governmental or any such other business, in which case the Hirer shall be entitled to a full refund of the deposit paid.
  • Please note Hatherleigh Community Centre no longer holds a licence that provides copyright coverage for the public performance of copyrighted motion pictures, DVDs and other programmes within our facility.  It is understood that you will assume full responsibility, liability and consequences should you continue the usage of copyrighted motion pictures, DVDs and other programmes within Hatherleigh Community Centre.


  • The Trustees have their own premises license for the sale of alcoholic drinks. Hirers wishing to offer alcoholic drinks to their guests are required to use The Centre Bar for this purpose and complete a bar booking form.
  • Should private parties or wedding parties wish to bring their own wine or champagne, a corkage charge of £2.50 per bottle will be applied. For clarity, this charge only covers opening of bottles and provision of glasses; it does not cover serving of drinks nor cleaning of glasses.
  • No other alcohol or soft drinks are to be brought onto the premises or consumed within the Centre or its grounds.
  • Bags are subject to be searched.


It is a requirement that all users of Hatherleigh Community Centre sign and return this declaration. If this is not supplied within 7 days of making the booking Hatherleigh Community Centre Trustees resent the right to cancel the booking.


in the below sections:

  • 'We", our or 'us' refers to the Hirer(s).
  • 'Guests" refer to all people attending the Centre for the Hirer(s) booking.
  • The Trustees" refers to Hatherleigh Community Centre Trustees, or Community Centre staff and volunteers acting on behalf of the Trustees

The Hirer(s), will attest that they understand and will abide by all of the terms and conditions specified within this document:

Whilst Using the Centre:

  • The Hirer will not sub-let or transfer the booking to another party
  • The premises shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which it has been booked.
  • The Hirer accepts responsibility for good order and behaviour of our guests.
  • The Hirer will ensure that the number of people in the Main Hall does not exceed the stated capacity of the Centre at any one time (details available from the Centre Manger).
  • The Hirer will ensure that all exits must remain clear at all times whilst the Centre is in use to comply with Fire Regulations.
  • The Hirer will ensure the Fire Procedures have been read and will be adhered
  • If any hazards are found when using the Centre or the Centre is unsatisfactory in any way The Hirer will report them to the Trustees (or the Centre Manager) as soon as possible.
  • Any damages or breakages will be reported to the Trustees (or the Centre Manager) as soon as possible after the incident and The Hirer understands that the cost of making good such damage or breakages will be implemented.
  • In line with Government legislation The Hirer will ensure that there is no smoking within the building. The external smoking area is to the front of the building, where cigarette bins are provided for disposal of cigarette ends. No smoking is permitted elsewhere on the grounds.
  • The Hirer will adhere to the instructions for the use of the cookers and other kitchen equipment.
  • The Hirer will ensure that any spillages of liquid on the main hall floor should be wiped up immediately using warm water ONLY and our guests are cautioned about the slipping hazard until it is dry.
  • The Hirer will ensure that children are not allowed to run loose outside the Hall at any time, and that they are only permitted in the kitchen area if they are under supervision at all times.
  • The Hirer will ensure that skateboards or roller skates are not used in the building.
  • If the tiered seating is being used the main house lights need to be switched on and audiences need to be reminded to take care on the stairs or ask for assistance.
  • The Hirer will note that Hatherleigh Community Centre no longer holds a licence that provides copyright coverage for the public performance of copyrighted motion pictures, DVDs and other programmes within our facility.  It is understood that you will assume full responsibility, liability and consequences should you continue the usage of copyrighted motion pictures, DVDs and other programmes within Hatherleigh Community Centre.

The Hirer understands and will abide by the following regulations in relation to music

  • The Hirer acknowledges that it is an offence to cause or permit to be caused any noise amounting to a nuisance and agrees that during any function when amplified music is played, steps are taken to ensure that the volume is maintained at a level which will not cause a nuisance to the inhabitants of the neighbourhood or other users of the building.
  • Rehearsals which involve the playing of amplified music shall not start before 9.30am.
  • The Hirer shall ensure that all doors and windows remain closed after 11pm when live or recorded music is being played in the Hall
  • If the Centre's audio and lighting system is to be used, The Hirer will notify the Centre of this at the time of booking, and The Trustees will Issue a separate key. The Hirer understands that the system is to be used only in accordance with the guidance notes issued with the special key. It is not to be used for live music amplification, e.g. big bands and rock groups etc.
  • The Hirer will not make any alterations to the system unless it is with the specific permission and under the supervision of a trained individual nominated for this purpose by the Trustees.

At the End of the Booking:

  • The Hirer will allow sufficient time at the end of the booking to tidy and dean the Centre.
  • If The Hirer does not vacate the building within the paid booking period, having completed the cleaning and tidying, The Hirer understands that a charge may be made for this additional time at the usual hourly rate, or if it is after midnight, at double time.

Before leaving The Hirer will check that all lights, appliances, equipment and water taps have been turned off and the Centre has been left in a clean and tidy condition, noting the following cleaning requirements:

  • All equipment which has been brought in must be removed.
  • Cleaning materials, brooms and vacuum cleaner can be found in the storage area to the rear of the main hall.
  • Crockery and cutlery, if used, must be washed and put away.
  • The cookers and any other kitchen equipment that is used must be left dean.
  • All chairs and tables should be brushed/wiped before storing in their original places
  • All rubbish must be placed in the appropriate recycling or refuse bins.

The Trustees accept no responsibility for personal belongings including coats and clothing left in any part of the building.

Unless The Hirer has made alternative arrangements with the Trustees in advance, The Hirer will ensure that the building is securely locked at all points of access before leaving the Centre.

The Hirer will personally ensure that when persons leave the Centre during or after the booking they do so in a quiet and reasonable manner.


We would like to advise you that we have a new Privacy Policy in line with the new General Data Protection Regulation - (GDPR) which tells you how we look after your data. As you are a valued customer of ours we have lawful bases for processing your data as set out in Article 6 of the GDPR.  These are Contract and Legal Obligations, which means you have requested and received services from us and we have invoiced you.


Hatherleigh Community Centre is a registered charity no 300851 our address in Bowling Green Lane, Hatherleigh, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 3HB.  We gather and process your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and in compliance with the relevant Data Protection Regulations and Laws.  This notice provides you with the necessary information regarding your rights and our obligations and explains how, why and when we process your personal data.  You can contact us by email centre@hatherleigh.org or telephone (01837) 810239.


We store your name, address, phone numbers and email addresses.  We will never collect any unnecessary personal data from you.  We collect information using face to face meetings, telephone and email enquiries.


No information is ever passed to a third party.  We use your information only to communicate with you, bill you and deliver the services you have requested us to provide.


The contract (verbal or written) between us to provide information and services requested.

Our legal obligation to maintain registered accounts.

Your explicit consent is given when you read this notice and then choose to provide the requested information.  Or if you make a verbal contract with us we will make you aware of where to find this information and outline it to you.


Only persons working for Hatherleigh Community Centre have access to your information, and only as much as is required to carry out your request or the services requested by you.


Personal information is stored within our - CRM System (Customer Relationship Management) where we can keep our customer details up to date and manage customer accounts.

Information kept on your behalf is kept only on our computer which is password protected.

The CRM is backed up every day.  Access to the backed up data is only from our computer.


Your personal data is kept for as long as you are a customer.  Invoice details in order to fulfill our legal obligations are kept for at least 7 years.


Under GDPR you have a number of rights.  More information available from https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-the-general-data-protection-regulations-gdpr/individual-rights/.

You shall be informed by us about how we use your data.

You can request a copy of information we hold on you.

You can ask us to correct any errors in the information we hold on you.

You always have the right to request us to delete information for which we have no legal obligations to keep.


If you are unhappy with anything you can complain.

Please let us know so we can put things right.  In writing to The Chairman of the Trustees, Hatherleigh Community Centre, Bowling Green Lane, Hatherleigh, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 3HB or email centre@hatherleigh.org.

If we don't resolve things to your satisfaction then you can report us direct to our supervisory authority the Information Commissioner's Office by ringing 0303 123 1113 or more information from https://ico.org.uk/for-the-public/raising-concerns/.